Why did I stop using chemos ?
When I first started doing Integrative cancer treatment in Reno, one of the biggest questions people would ask me was,” Why do you have to use chemo drugs?’
At the time, we were using 10% of the full dose of conventional chemo drugs in an IPT treatment. The reason for this choice was because the chemo drugs offered a very powerful way of creating a free radical storm that cancer is crippled by but normal cells have a way of protecting against.
The problem with this approach is, the use of chemo drugs carries with it a significant toxic downside, even at 10%. The quest has been how can we create the benefits of free radical generation without the collateral damage to other body systems.
According to conventional Oncologists, the purpose for the use of chemo drugs is to create a free radical storm.
We have since learned there exists a combination of, “as powerful”, therapies for generating free radicals without the toxicity.
Therapies available are:
· UVBI- Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation with OZONE
· Peroxide IV
· High Dose Vitamin C IV
Now, oddly, I am asked, “ Why did you stop using chemos?” Now you know the answer.
These therapies are available at Reno Integrative Medical Center, Reno, NV.